Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Iron Men

Tuesdays at 6am

We’re reading R.C. Sproul’s book “The Holiness of God” and discussing it a chapter at a time. Yes, it’s early, but it’s very worth your time. Not only for the breakfast (often including homemade smoked bacon), but for the fellowship and a very helpful discussion of how we need to be growing in holiness.

Refine and Reform

Wednesdays at 6pm at 1602 North Duquesne Rd, Joplin

If your theology is bad - it needs to change

If your theology is good - you need to change

We all need to continually reform and refine our theology. We should never reject sound doctrine but should seek to refine, deepen, and sharpen it.

As we pursue sanctification, we should always bring it under the scrutiny of God’s Word so that it will change and come into greater conformity to Scripture. This is an ongoing, lifelong process.

In the first semester of 2024, Men’s Discipleship will bring the Scriptures to bear on several issues that every believer faces at some point. As we consider what God’s Word says, rather than our experiences or worldly wisdom, the Spirit will reform and refine our theology, and as a result, our behavior as well.

We’ll be looking at several practical issues in this series including: overcoming anxiety, experiencing deep abiding joy, fear of man vs. fear of God, and contentment. On our first Wednesday (1/3) we’ll be looking at anxiety and how to bring the Scriptures to bear on the subject. Whether you struggle with it, or the Lord brings you an opportunity to help someone else struggling with anxiety, this will be a great time of edification and growth in God’s Word

Don’t miss out on this study as we pursue sanctification together and trust the God of the Word to refine us in the likeness of His Son.

Men's ministry at Coram Deo exists to glorify God by equipping and encouraging men to fulfill their God-ordained roles as leaders in the home, the church, and the world. This is accomplished by providing biblical instruction, personal discipleship, genuine fellowship, and spiritual accountability.

The ministry focuses on the application of God’s Word to the issues of life men regularly encounter in their spheres of responsibility. It provides a forum where men of younger faith interact with and receive wisdom from those who are more mature in Christ, and serves to prepare men for more faithful service to the local church and a more effective witness to the world.

We believe that everyone is a theologian. If you ever think about a teaching of the Bible and attempt to understand it, you are engaging in theology. Our goal is to make you the best theologian you can be, in order that you not only glorify God and worship Him forever, but so that you may lead your family towards the same end.

Our 2024 Studies