What Is Biblical Counseling?

Imagine that you are faced with a serious struggle, a wrong done to you, or you are facing serious health issues and there seems to be no end in sight to your confusion and pain. You decide to seek help to cope or make changes, looking for a solution to the problems you face This is the bravest thing that you can do. It takes courage to admit that you have a problem that you do not know how to solve. It takes humility to ask for someone else to help you with your struggles.

The assessment of what is wrong and determining the solution varies in the different types of counseling that exist in our society today.

What is Biblical Counseling? That is the question that I begin with today, launching this new blog series.

First, it is important to clarify what Biblical Counseling is not. Biblical Counseling, true Biblical Counseling, is not anything like other forms of counseling.

Biblical Counseling is not found in a psychologist’s, psychiatrist’s, or even most Christian Counseling offices.

Psychology is defined as:

  • “The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.”

  • “The emotional and behavioral characteristics of an individual, group, or activity.”

  • “Subtle tactical action or argument used to manipulate or influence another.”1

Psychiatry is defined as:

  • “The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders.”

  • “The branch of medicine that subjectively diagnoses, treats, and studies mental illness and behavioral conditions.”

  • “The branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.”1

The point of my blog is not to critique the different systems, but to provide a clear definition of what Biblical Counseling is.

Referencing the above definitions, we see that Psychology is concerned with behaviors and mental processes. The solution according to the definition is manipulation or influence as the catalyst of change. Psychiatry is concerned with medicine. The solution according to the definition is to prescribe medication to treat mental illness and behavioral conditions.

Quickly, I must also explain the difference between Christian Integrative Counseling and Biblical Counseling.

Christian Integrative Counseling is defined as:

  • “the union of biblical counseling and psychological theory where aspects of both schools of thought are appreciated and respected in the counseling room.”2

Telling us that Christian Integrative Counseling is the combination of Biblical wisdom and psychological theory.

So what is Biblical Counseling?

Biblical Counseling is, according to Paul Tautges 3,

“an intensely focused and personal aspect of the discipleship process, whereby believers come alongside one another for three main purposes:

  • … to help the other person consistently apply Scriptural theology to his or her life in order to experience victory over sin through obedience to Christ;

  • … by warning their spiritual friend, in love, of the consequences of sinful actions;

  • … by leading that brother or sister to make consistent progress in the ongoing process of biblical change in order that he or she, too, may become a spiritually reproductive disciple-maker.

This definition describes the aim of biblical discipleship… Biblical counseling is helping one another, within the body of Christ, to grow in spiritual maturity.

In conclusion, we can see that Biblical Counseling is a form of focused, intentional , structured discipleship, with a pursuit of sanctification in mind.

Behavior change is a great start, medicine can be helpful for some situations, but heart change is what is needed for true change to occur.

Biblical Counseling catalyzes behavioral change because the Lord brings the person into greater alignment with His will, producing sanctification.

But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you have your benefit, leading to sanctification, and the end, eternal life (Romans 6:22 LSB).

Travis Hall

ACBC Certified Biblical Counselor

Are you interested in finding a Biblical Counselor? Have you tried other approaches with no lasting success? Click this link to find a counselor in your area, and to learn more about the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. Click here to reach out to the Coram Deo Counseling Ministry.

Disclaimer: The Coram Deo Counseling Ministry is not a fee based “professional counseling” service. It is a discipleship ministry to those in our body and in our community, offered at no cost.

1 The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.). (2011). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

2 Cobarruvias, S. C. (n.d.). Biblical Foundation for Christian Integration: A Theology of Christian Counseling.

3 Tautges, P. (2015). Counseling One Another: A Theology of Interpersonal Discipleship (p. 20). Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press.


Pursuing Sanctification


Two Crucial Pursuits