Ministry Matters - January 2025
Spiritual Growth Plan 2025
Any Spiritual growth plan should include a plan to read the Bible. Check out Rob’s plan recommendations and other resources here.
Family Groups & Discipleship Resume
Discipleship resumes Wednesday, January 15th.
Family Groups resumes January 5th (Sunday groups) and January 8th (Wednesday groups).
Each week, in an alternating rhythm, we have either Family Groups or Discipleship.
January Dates
Discipleship: January 15th, January 29th
Family Groups:
Sundays - January 5th, January 19th
Wednesdays - January 8th, January 22nd
To learn more about each of these, scroll down.
Current Serving Opportunities
Children’s Discipleship
Music Leader - Whether you play an instrument and can lead, or just lead the singing while we play a music track. This is a fun time for the kids as they learn systematic theology on Wednesdays.
Contact Adventure Club coordinator (see Serving Schedule Master List below) for details or to sign up.
Coffee Brewer - Make the coffee once a month or more on a rotation basis.
Contact Hospitality coordinator (see Serving Schedule Master List below) for details or to sign up.
Accounting - Help with bank reconciliation, etc. Will need some experience in this area.
Contact Admin coordinator (see Serving Schedule Master List below) for details or to sign up.
Serve as security on Sundays, Wednesdays, and other events as needed.
Contact Security coordinator (see Serving Schedule Master List below) for details or to sign up.
If you’d like to serve in one of the above opportunities, or have another way you’d like to serve, don’t hesitate to reach out to to get on the rotation/serving list!
Family Groups
I know that most of our church is involved in a family group, and that’s fantastic! What a joy it is to gather together with our brothers and sisters in Christ for a meal, fellowship, and a discussion of God’s Word.
One of our primary commitments at Coram Deo is “Joy in Community” and family groups are foundational to how we pursue that.
If you’re not in a Family Group, you’re missing out on a big part of our church. Remember: you need the body and the body needs you. God designed each church with so that the “properly measured working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.” (Ephesians 4:16).
Family Groups are the center of not only community, but also where we care for each other. It’s how we, as the elders, keep up with every member of our church and ensure that everyone is being cared for. If you’re a member of Coram Deo and are not involved in a Family Group, contact Pastor Rob.
Our 2024 Bible Studies
Iron Men
Tuesday Mornings, 6-7AM
We’re reading and discussing R.C. Sproul’s “Holiness of God”. Contact Travis or Pastor Rob for more info.
Wednesday Night Discipleship
Wednesday Evenings, 6:30-7:45PM
On Break for the Summer!
General Member Info
On a typical week, you can expect to hear from the church in the following manner:
~ Newsletter - Sent the first Tuesday of the month to everyone, this is an update of everything going on in the coming month, including the sermon passages for the coming Sunday services so you can begin preparing for worship. This will be the most detailed communication we send.
~ Service Schedule - Mid-Week (usually Wednesday), we’ll be sending an email to everyone serving on Sunday (Nursery, tech, hospitality, etc.). Please check to see if you’re serving and if you’re not able to serve, contact your team’s Coordinator as soon as you can so that they can arrange for someone to cover.
~ Letter from the Pastor - Later in the week (typically Thursday), I’ll be sending an email out to help and encourage you in your pursuit of sanctification. It will also include your Family Group Study Guide or an update about discipleship. These are both central aspects of what we do as a church, so we want to make sure everyone stays up to date.
~ Ministry Matters - On Saturday, we’ll send out a reminder as to what’s coming up through the church app.
As has been mentioned a couple of times, we’re centralizing and streamlining our serving scenario.
Moving into 2024, we’re centralizing and streamlining things. While it looks different for everyone, we’re all called to serve using our gifts, abilities, and resources. Remember, in any given week we only ask you to commit to two things: Sunday morning worship and Discipleship or Family Groups (alternating each week).
There are roles for everyone to serve in, and in order to keep everything running smoothly, we’ll be sending emails each week to keep everyone in the loop and make sure everything's covered. Below is a basic outline of the new system. We’ll be tweaking and refining the system along the way, so be sure and communicate with leadership how things are going so that we can all be good stewards of our time and efforts to the glory of God.
If you have a prayer need, feel free to text Pastor Rob at any time. You can also email If you’d like your prayer need to be included in the next newsletter, let us know.