Signs & Wonders Show
Friday, May 16 at 7:00 pm
Location: Coram Deo Bible Church
6863 E. Newman Road, Joplin, MO 64801
We’re located 1/2 mile east of 249 on Newman Rd.
and 2.3 Miles East of MSSU on Newman Rd.
Excuses, Excuses…
Of all the various aspects and pursuits of the Christian life, all of them, save one, will be better in heaven. When we get to heaven one thing that won’t be better is evangelism because there won’t be evangelism in heaven. Sharing the life-changing message of Jesus is one of the reasons we’re still here.
Speaking of Biblical Manhood
In the face of the left’s attack on what they call “toxic masculinity,” many in the evangelical/Christian/Reformed camp have rightly pushed back. While I would call this push back both necessary and rightly motivated, some have taken it too far, pushing beyond where the Bible would have us go, ultimately painting a wrong picture of what the Bible calls us to as men.
SGP Blog #3
You need the body, and the body need you. It is to your spiritual benefit to be fully involved in the ministries of your church. Church should be the first thing on your calendar, and the reason you miss other things, not the opposite that is so common today. To be less than fully involved will be to your spiritual detriment.
SGP Blog #2
When you’re able to honestly and openly discuss your struggles, victories, needs, and such with another believer who you trust, you will benefit greatly from that. The Lord has designed us to pursue sanctification in community.
SGP Blog #1
You’re busy and you don’t have time for more “things” on your schedule, but the reality is that we all make time for the things that are important to us. You already have priorities. The idea here is to be sure that they’re right priorities.
Today is Christmas!
We have every right to feast and celebrate. So open the presents, enjoy the celebration. Christians should be the most joyful people of all.
Following Jesus
One of the most basic elements of Christian discipleship is evangelism - telling others about Jesus. Whether it’s simply handing someone a tract - all the way to sitting down with them and fully explaining the gospel, it’s Christianity 101, not an advanced level thing.
The Candy Cane Puzzle
Use this season as an opportunity to turn conversation to Christ. As believers, who are (as we saw in John 1 yesterday, watch the sermon here) committed to bringing people to Jesus like Andrew did in John 1:42 – He brought him to Jesus.
Scripture Is Sufficient
"Sufficient" means having enough. When you find contentment in the truth of God’s Word, you can genuinely be thankful for the solutions the Bible provides. Gratitude naturally flows from a heart that is content.
Masculine Misconceptions
Boldness that’s not tempered by discernment and self control becomes brash and unteachable. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit, but so is faithfulness. It takes godly courage to be faithful, otherwise evil can run amok. We should seek, first for ourselves, and also for our sons, to be both bold and gentle.
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Matthew 1:21 – …He will save His people from their sins. We can never forget that in the very first declaration of the coming of the Messiah, made by an angel to Joseph, culminated in this awesome declaration. It’s fitting that, as we turn our thoughts to the birth of our Savior each year, we remind ourselves that Jesus came to save His people from their sins.
The Gospel of John
The goal is to Turn Our Eyes to Jesus.
To fix our thoughts and our hearts on Him.
• To know Him
• To trust in Him
• To have life in His name.
Pursuing Sanctification
In this epic conclusion to the Corinthian letters, Paul issues his final warning and call for repentance and gives us several practical principals for the pursuit of sanctification. When we look at the rhythm of our daily lives through the correct lens, we can experience significant spiritual growth.
What Is Biblical Counseling?
Biblical Counseling catalyzes behavioral change because the Lord brings the person into greater alignment with His will, producing sanctification.
But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you have your benefit, leading to sanctification, and the end, eternal life (Romans 6:22, LSB).
Two Crucial Pursuits
...pride’s instinct is to elevate my wisdom over that of others, my conscience as better, and my preference as the right path while holding loosely to God’s commands.
On Accountability
Living a gospel centered life includes accountability. Not out of fear of being caught, but because of your love for Christ and desire to honor and glorify Him.
Riches in Christ
We all have something to bring to the table that one of our brothers/sisters in Christ needs. God has given us all resources, and collectively, we have the resources we need in our church community.
On the Olympic Controversy…
As a child and teen, I always looked forward to watching the Olympics, and the opening ceremonies were always fun and exciting, getting us ready to watch a great athletic competition. Clearly, the Paris organizers had a different agenda.
Faithful Giving
There’s no fixed percentage of giving mandated in the New Testament. 10% of your income is not the rule. So what is the rule? How do you determine how much to give?