Signs & Wonders Show

What exactly is the Signs & Wonders Show? Well, our very own Rob Signs will share some of the Wonders he has performed all over the world. This interactive illusion show, designed for all ages, will have something for everyone. Children and adults alike will enjoy this curated selection of curiosities that will delight the mind and confound the senses  .

From a re-telling of a childhood magic show, a little trip down memory lane, teleporting a president, a magical mystery tour, and the most exciting story ever told, there are plenty of twists and turns and the the audience members are the stars of the show!

Everyone is invited to this free show for the community. The whole family will enjoy the show together. Bring friends, co-workers, family members, and everyone you know as we experience Signs & Wonders on a Fun Filed Fabulous Friday Festivity!

The Show will be Friday, May 16 at 7:00 pm and run for about an hour.

Doors open at 6:30 pm - come early and get the best seats.

Location: Coram Deo Bible Church

6863 E. Newman Road, Joplin, MO 64801
We’re located 1/2 mile east of 249 on Newman Rd.

and 2.3 Miles East of MSSU on Newman Rd.

Email for more information.


Excuses, Excuses…