Discipleship Resources
Think through the purpose of a plan.
You’re clarifying what’s important to you. Assess what’s important by thinking through how you spend your time. You need to discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness. Think through the main activities you engage in each day (it would be helpful to write them down).
Ephesians 5:16-15 – Therefore look carefully how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Read 2 Peter 1 and Psalm 90.
Think through and write out (ideally in a journal), how those passages inform and direct your priorities and write out what your priorities should be.
Suggestions: daily devotional time, meals, time with your spouse and children, family time, Sunday morning worship, family group, church discipleship, exercise, work, social/community time with others in our church, evangelism, hobbies/down time.
NOW Write out a plan. CREATE a schedule using whatever tool or planner works best for you.
Your 2025 Spiritual Growth Plan
Any Spiritual growth plan should include a plan to read the Bible. These plans will help you to read through the Bible each year in a structured way.
Bible Reading Plans
Recommended Reading
These books are rooted in biblical truth that genuinely cultivate deep spiritual growth. We want to point you to resources that will help you effectively exalt Jesus in spirit and truth, use your spiritual gifts to edify His body, and grow in compassion to share the gospel with those without the hope of Christ.
What you read is crucial; what you choose not to read is also extremely important. Don't poison the well.
Required Reading
If you haven't read these books, start working your way through this list ASAP.
A Gospel Primer, Milton Vincent
Found: God's Will , John MacArthur
If You Bite and Devour, Alexander Strauch
The Holiness of God, RC Sproul
Bible Study
How to Study the Bible, John MacArthur
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Donald Whitney
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, J. I. Packer
The Soul Winner, Charles Spurgeon
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