SGP Blog #2
Here’s where things get practical.
We all understand the concept of a Spiritual Growth Plan.
You have to include some sort of “Scripture Saturation.” For most of us, that’s a plan that gets you through the Bible in a year. See the bottom of yesterday’s blog for my recommendation for both reading and prayer plans.
Here’s where the “Worksheets” (click here to see them) come into play. Don’t feel the need to be formulaic here - meaning: make this your plan. While you’re absolutely welcome to use the plan as is - feel free to copy/paste any or all of it - the worksheets are presented as a guide to help you think through how to form your own plan. Be as simple or detailed and elaborate as you want. Do what works for you.
Remember - the goal isn’t a highly structure plan, but to grow closer to the Lord and to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Be sure to be realistic about how much time you are able to commit to the various pursuits of your week.
Also, don’t forget that you are not your own - you were bought with a price. So honor your Master with every detail of your schedule - keep Him at the center of the rhythm of your routines. And don’t forget that it’s perfectly ok to make changes to your plan along the way - even weekly. You can continue personalizing throughout the year. You can even have a different schedule for Discipleship Weeks and Family Group weeks, for example. If you get a new job or some other significant life change occurs - adjust as needed.
Here’s a component you really can’t do this without - accountability. Make sure that there’s someone in your life that you have given permission to “hold your feet to the fire.” Here’s what you need - at least one mature Christian who has demonstrated that they love and care for you, are faithful believers, and have the proximity to your life to observe what’s really going on in your own life.
When you’re able to honestly and openly discuss your struggles, victories, needs, and such with another believer who you trust, you will benefit greatly from that. The Lord has designed us to pursue sanctification in community. You will grow through a friendship (mentor, discipler, etc.) who will pray for you and gently, but firmly help you rightly assess your life and encourage you in righteousness. Don’t miss out on the great blessing of having a mentor.
Today, think through the details of your plan for Scripture, prayer, schedule, and find a mentor/accountability partner. You may already have someone, but if not - be sure to formally ask someone to come alongside of you as you strive toward sanctification. Be sure they know the details of your plan and talk about the details of your spiritual life with them regularly
Check back tomorrow for a few final things to keep in mind and on the radar in the coming year. There’s one final critical element that must be part of your plan to achieve “maximum sanctification.”
Know that it’s a joy and privilege to shepherd the people of Coram Deo Bible Church - I pray for each of you by name regularly and love you all! The Lord has blessed me and my family in inexpressible ways in and through this congregation.
Grace & Peace
Pastor Rob
P.S. - while these resources are designed for the people of Coram Deo Bible Church, they’re free and available to anyone who would like to use them. May the Lord bring great growth in your life this year.