Resurrection Living in 674 Words

Consequential Stuff: Resurrection Power

In 1 Corinthians 15, Scripture’s most extensive teaching on the resurrection, Paul highlights the centrality of the resurrection to the Gospel. “If you haven’t preached the resurrection, you haven’t preached the gospel. “

Christ died for our sins. His burial and resurrection are included in Paul’s declaration “of first importance.”

Verses 12-19, show the importance of the resurrection listing

Seven consequences of no resurrection:

1. Christ is Not Risen

Jesus is still in the grave. There’s no difference between Christianity and all other world religions.

2. Pointless Preaching

Preaching would be just the death and burial of Jesus. No hope. No joy. No point.

3. Foundationless Faith

Our faith is, empty, fruitless, and has no purpose or substance. It’s literally a “no-thing.” We’re standing on no foundation in a vacuum of absolute spiritual nothingness.

4. Liars & Lunatics

Every person to ever declare “He Is Risen!” is a liar. Every martyr was crazy for dying for nothing. That makes us all crazy liars.

5. You’re Still in Sin

You’re not going to heaven. You haven’t been forgiven. You can’t sing “Victory in Jesus.” You’re still living in Romans 3:10-18.

6. Dead Believers are Gone Forever

Ever been to a funeral where the preacher said, “you’ll see them again?” That was a lie. It’s just over. They’re gone.

7. We’re the Most Pathetic People Ever

Everything you’ve done for Jesus, every penny you’ve given, every second you’ve spent in church, or doing religious activities was all a complete waste of time & resources.


1 Corinthians 15:20But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

Living in Resurrection Power:

The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives INSIDE of every believer.

Positive Consequences of the Resurrection.

1. Christ IS Risen

He Is Risen INDEED! We can now say, with confidence and joy, Christ died for MY sins!

2. Preach with Passion and Purpose

There is no greater purpose than to preach the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ! Colossians 1:18 …[Jesus,] the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. Continually ask yourself: Does Jesus really have first place in every area of my life?

3. The Ultimate Foundation

Faith becomes full and overflowing, producing much fruit and is the most secure foundation ever. We have the wonderful opportunity to be involved in one another’s lives, watching what God is doing in and through others who are standing on the foundation with us.

4. The Truest Truth

We have the ultimate message of truth. It’s not just a truth, but THE Truth. It’s a transforming truth. Your life is radically changed.

The final three consequences are deeply personal and joy-producing.

5. You’re Forgiven

The biggest problem humans face is sin and guilt. Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, you have been declared NOT GUILTY! When God looks at you, He sees the very righteousness of Jesus.

6. You Will See Them Again

You will see your believing loved ones again. In heaven. The focus will absolutely be on worshiping Jesus, but you get to worship Him alongside loved ones who went before you. 1 Thessalonians 4:17…so WE shall always be with the Lord

7. We’re the Most Fortunate, Blessed People

If you do not repent of your sins and trust in Jesus, the negative consequences will be yours.

But when you turn to Christ, you’re transferred [into] the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom [you] have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. There is no greater blessing.

Finally: verse 20b calls Jesus the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

His resurrection ensures our resurrection. Because Jesus died and rose again, you will be raised with Him at His return. Take joy in knowing that, as a Christian, you will be with Jesus, and your brothers and sisters in Christ, FOREVER in heaven one day.

Now live in the light of this truth.

Grace & Peace

Pastor Rob


Living the Resurrection Life (conclusion)


Christmas Morning Meditation