Practicing Pursuit
Practice these 10 Principles and not only will your church’s joy grow, but your own personal joy will increase exponentially.
Preparing for Sunday
Meditate on Christ’s substitutionary death on your behalf as you prepare your heart for worship this coming Sunday! (Remember: He died for YOU SPECIFICALLY!!)
Ministry and the “L”
It’s such an amazing encouragement to know that Jesus died specifically for me. That both inspires and enables me to live for Him!!
The Eclipse and the End of the World
What is the prophetic, biblical significance of the eclipse? Find my answer when you read the blog.
__ The Checklist
The Christian’s job is to pursue sanctification.
The Fruits of the Spirit are the “who you are to be.”
This Checklist is “what you are to do.” The practical application in the daily “rhythm” of your life.
Living the Resurrection Life (conclusion)
Wake up from your spiritual stupor!
Simply put: prioritize the spiritual side of your life. From fully engaging in the Body of Christ (your local church), to faithful Bible reading, discipleship, and more. Don’t neglect to make intentional effort toward your own spiritual growth.
Resurrection Living in 674 Words
There are consequences to the resurrection, both positive and negative. What are they? What if Jesus didn’t rise from the grave? What if He did?
Christmas Morning Meditation
Christmas turns our attention to His birth.
Jesus, was born to die so that we might have life.
A 300 Word Encouragement for Parents at Christmas
God obviously isn’t going to place His Son in your care, but as Christian parents, we have a great responsibility to live out our Christian faith in our homes as we strive to “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4b).
Growing More in 2024!
There are many exhortations in Proverbs that teach us that planning is a wise thing. Reading those (some are at the bottom of this blog), alongside 1 Timothy 4:7 says, train yourself for the purpose of godliness, we can know that the Lord is honored when we’re intentional to plan for our spiritual growth rather than just haphazardly going through life hoping to see improvement.
Father, Son, & Holy Bible?
One of the accusations that is made about cessationists is that we’re those “Father, Son, and Holy BIBLE” people. This is a silly accusation because it pits the Holy Spirit against the very Scriptures He inspired men to write. It’s a ridiculously false dichotomy. One of the things the Spirit does is to point us TO the Scriptures. There’s no conflict between following Scripture and following the Spirit.
The Lord's Table
The Lord’s Table is one of two ordinances that the Lord left us. Initiating it on the night before He died, Jesus intends for us to regularly come to the table, eat the bread, and drink the cup. In doing so, we remember all that He did for us, from the incarnation to the ascension. It’s a solemn celebration.
Pursuing Spiritual Discipline
While there are a variety of lists of spiritual disciplines, and I’m sure they all have merit, the one I’ve preferred for many years is found in Donald Whitney’s book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. It’s one of the most practical books I’ve ever read when it comes to pursuing spiritual growth.
Pursuing Passionate Freedom in 647 words
In 1 Corinthians 8, Paul shows us that freedom exists in a balance between two errors: legalism on one side, and license on the other. In the middle is Passionate freedom. Paul gives us an example to pursue in three distinct passions.
Finding Joy in Community
Church membership isn’t just a casual thing. It’s a covenant commitment that God has designed for His glory and our sanctification, which leads to a deep, abiding joy as we engage in biblical community.
The One Anothers
There are 47 One Anothers in the New Testament. If we were to all make a concerted effort toward each of them, it would be a significant impact on each other, and the watching world.
For My Single Friends
While God has called some to singleness, for the majority of us, God’s plan includes marriage at some point in the future. If that’s you, then you’re going to have to find a spouse at some point. The Bible’s teaching on marriage begins in Genesis where God lays out the foundational framework of one man married to one woman for life.